One of the great things about R is that everything, I mean EVERYTHING relevant to statistics has been implemented. Being a former R user, I was aware of it’s power, but up until now hadn’t found any features missing in Python. Statsmodels was filling all my linear regression needs and then some. Dare I say, I even liked the summary output more??
Anyways, for my recent project, I found myself having to optimize ten different linear models…one for each country! I found it time consuming enough to even optimize one model, let alone ten…but then I remembered that one time in statistics class when I learned about forward stepwise regression. Basically, it adds features in to your model one at a time until it finds an optimal score for your feature set, and this process happens almost instantly on a reasonable amount of data. This seemed like a great place to start for each of my ten countries so I quickly googled “stepwise regression statsmodels” and to my surprise I found NOTHING! What could one do in this sort of situation? Code it ourselves, DUH!
I reached out to the very knowledgeable Aaron Schumacher (seriously, I’m blown away every day by how much he knows regarding python), and he decided to sit down with me and help me find a solution. He suggested we optimize adjusted R-squared and I agreed and BOOM, we were off implementing the solution. I will admit he was the brains behind the clean code below, but I’d like to think that I helped him with a typo or two ;)
Now for the code! Feel free to try this yourself! Very flexible and easy to use.
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
def forward_selected(data, response):
"""Linear model designed by forward selection.
data : pandas DataFrame with all possible predictors and response
response: string, name of response column in data
model: an "optimal" fitted statsmodels linear model
with an intercept
selected by forward selection
evaluated by adjusted R-squared
remaining = set(data.columns)
selected = []
current_score, best_new_score = 0.0, 0.0
while remaining and current_score == best_new_score:
scores_with_candidates = []
for candidate in remaining:
formula = "{} ~ {} + 1".format(response,
' + '.join(selected + [candidate]))
score = smf.ols(formula, data).fit().rsquared_adj
scores_with_candidates.append((score, candidate))
best_new_score, best_candidate = scores_with_candidates.pop()
if current_score < best_new_score:
current_score = best_new_score
formula = "{} ~ {} + 1".format(response,
' + '.join(selected))
model = smf.ols(formula, data).fit()
return model
~ Trevor